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Cut Flowers by Su Whale really is the reference book for florists, students and everyone who loves flowers. With succinct fact files on well-known blooms, it's the perfect way to familiarise yourself with the wonderful world of all things floral!
Rona Wheeldon - Founder of Flowerona, Writer & Trainer
April 2012
Based on her experience in the world of flowers, Su Whale decided to publish a book with detailed information on over 150 varieties of cut flowers. The correct name of the flower, the availability, the vase life, which colours. In addition, it offers specific information for florists, floristry students attending training, and also for home care. Everyone who loves cut flowers will find some valuable information in this convenient book.
Fleur Creatif Magazine
September 2012
Su has created a handbook that should be an essential piece of equipment for every floral art/floristry/gardening student in the world not to mention florists, flower arrangers, brides and hobbyists too. This little book covers more than 150 flower varieties in normal use for arranging and tells you about availability, vase life, tips on arranging in the home and suitability for weddings etc. We have watched in admiration as Su tackled this very necessary subject matter and have been privileged to watch the project's development. The photography by Mark Follon is quite superb!
Alison Bradley Fusion Flowers Magazine www.fusionflowers.com
August 2011
Anyone who works with, or loves flowers would love this, it's a comprehensive, well illustrated and an informative practical guide to cut flowers. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
Mrs E Evans
November 2013
Prompt delivery. Just what my daughter needs for her Floristry course.
Mr Tipping
June 2016
This is the best book I've found for floristry students. Its size and format are easy to use. The reference format is simple and clear. It would be on the top of my list if I were a Floristry Lecturer.
The Flower Lady
February 2014
Thank you for producing two of the most useful books I have ever owned.
Vix Burniston, Floristry Student, Canterbury College
October 2015
I have just started flower arrangements, and I have found this book excellent, full of information for both beginners and experienced florists
March 2017
Amazing, perfect for a student or a seasoned professional. 5 star review.
Amazon USA
January 2018
Definitely very useful for training florists, quick delivery too
Michelle Brooks Floristry Tutor
February 2018
Very useful ,good to have ,I love mine .
Julie Brearley, Florist, Birmingham
February 2018
Thank you for the incredibly speedy postage on the books!

We’ve decided to make them a part of the literature we provide to all our students on the career course as essential reading.

Joe Massie UK School of Floristry
February 2018
I recommend your books to my students all the time, your books are awesome - I've had them for years. I am now taking EMC (European Masters Certification) and it helps so much with my nomenclature project.

Terry Godfrey lecturer at Anne Arundell Community College, Maryland. USA

Terry Godfrey Aifd
March 2018
Hello Su

We are teaching a 2 year course in Flower decoration at our school and the teacher in Cut flower care has your book. I don‘t know where she got it. But the students liked your books so much that we decided to get a copy for everyone.

Best wishes from Iceland

Guðrún Þórðardóttir

Gudrun Thordardottir, The University of Iceland
January 2019
How exciting look what finally arrived in the Bahamas. My team are loving their new books thanks Su 🏖#englishfloristinthebahamas

Dominique McManus, Providence, Bahamas. Wild Flower Weddings & Events.

Wild Flower Weddings and Events. Bahamas.
February 2019
'Popular among florists and flower arrangers 'Cut Flowers' is a practical catalogue containing straightforward information on how to care for and condition over 150 varieties of fresh cut flowers.

Pros: It includes easy-to-follow care instructions, flower availability, colour range and vase life, tips on simple arranging, flower suitability for wedding work, an index of common names and a mini floral miscellany.

Cons: A list of 150 gives a good overview, but no book would be big enough to include every commercially grown flower, so you can't use it for specific product names or really wild finds.'

Book Review in The Flower Arranger Magazine
April 2019
Straightforward information about flowers, foliage and houseplants. They're a fantastic resource.
Elizabeth McCourt Floristry Student
August 2023
These are our staple florists' bible in the UK
Yvonne Nuttall Floristry Student
August 2023
The Cut Flower Book is invaluable, even after 20+ years in the trade, I refer to it all the time.
Tracey Jones Business owner
May 2023
Anyone who works with, or loves flowers would love this, it's a comprehensive, well illustrated and an informative practical guide to cut flowers. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
Mrs E Evans
November 2013
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